Web Development Projects.

Task 1

  1. What is an IP address? How does it work?
  2. What is a domain name? How does it relate to the IP address?
  3. What does HTML stand for?
    • Hypertext Markup Language
  4. What is the default page named in a website (e.g. the home page)?
  5. What is the image html tag?
    • "< img >"

    Task 2

    1. What is a server? How is it different than a standard computer?
      • In computing, a server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". These "clients" are standard computers.
    2. What are the tags needed for HTML tables?
      • To make a table with HTML, the tags required are < table >, < /table >, < td >, < /td >", "< tr >", "< /tr >", "< th >", and "< /th >"
    3. What does an iFrame allow you to do?
      • An iFrame allows you to imbed stuff like scratch projects (which you can view in my scratch page)
    4. What the < a > tag do?
      • The < a > tag allows a link to be inbedded into the text.
